Morris begins his work day around 10am when the morning rush hour dies down and the trains are less crowded.
Kayade "K-Sax" Morris has played the saxophone for nearly a decade. From corporate events, parties, and at his church in Brooklyn, Morris delights his audiences by serenading them with multiple musical genres.
K-Sax allowed me to spend several hours with him underground to better understand the ins and outs of a day in the life of a subway busker.

"I observe the demographics of the train car and play what I think the majority of them want to hear." Morris said when asked how he chooses his musical selections.

Opting to navigate the same train lines each day, Morris often sees the same faces along his ride.

With no access to soap and running water underground, Morris cleans his hands and face using water from his water bottle

"I like the way the sound bounces off of the doors..." --"K-Sax"

Morris straightens out and counts the dollar bills people give to him after a performance. He also accepts electronic donations as well.